Automatická korekcia písaného prejavu prirodzeného jazyka s využitím znakových a kontextuálnych modelov
Python ayudando a salvar a las ballenas: cómo el lenguaje puede ser útil en el área del diseño de biopolímeros
Python + VPS Jupyter HUB/Notebook, aprender, enseñar, investigar, trabajar de manera colaborativa, remota y presencial
Hackeando el Pensamiento: Traduciendo Señales Eléctricas del Cerebro en Acciones a través de Modelos LLM.
Máquinas de aprendizaje para análisis de datos geoespaciales en procesos de clasificación de cobertura terrestre
Visor Ambiental. Herramienta para integración de datos científicos en la intervención territorial sostenible.
Un modelo de posicionamiento previo de suministros de emergencia para respuesta a sismos en la ciudad de Bogotá utilizando Python
Mock Away! Uma análise de a escrita de testes de unidade e mocks para algumas ferramentas e frameworks conhecidos
PyLadies Maputo - Construir uma comunidade que promove a diversidade, conecta, encoraja e desenvolve competências profissionais e humanas
Keynote: Como podemos saber se os resultados da pesquisa são bons? Keynote: How can we tell if the search results are good?
Informação Salva: Python ajudando a entender um problema silencioso de saúde pública no Brasil e no mundo
Krótkie wprowadzenie do metaprogramowania w Pythonie - czyli o tym jak ułatwić (utrudnić) programowanie sobie i innym.
Python w służbie jej królewskiej mości - czyli o parsowaniu stron i szpiegowaniu użytkowników słów kilka
Introduction to Poetry in Deep Learning Development Dependency Management in Testing and Model Packaging
Apport du langage Python dans un service de recherche hospitalière pour mener des analyses de deep learning
Transformez vos algorithmes de données/IA en applications web complètes en un rien de temps avec Taipy
How to make teenage girls love coding using Python and the visual arts-oriented language Processing ?
gRPC/Python : Exemple pratique d'utilisation de micro-services pour une (mini) application d'analyse sémantique de textes (NPL)
Plénière n°1 / Keynote #1: The 750,000-Line Long Pull Request: Crafting a more Resilient Open Source Community
PyCon 2009: Giving back and helping expand the Python community. A roadmap for South America and Africa (#87)
PyCon 2009: Building Real-time Network applications for the web with Twisted and Orbited (Part 1 of 3)
PyCon 2009: Building Real-time Network applications for the web with Twisted and Orbited (Part 2 of 3)
PyCon 2009: Building Real-time Network applications for the web with Twisted and Orbited (Part 3 of 3)
IMPOSTER NO MORE: How Tech Writers Can Shed Self-Doubt, Embrace Uncertainty, and Surf the Upcoming Swerve in Technical Documentation
High Voltage Lab Common Code Basis library: a uniform user-friendly object-oriented API for a high voltage engineering research.
QuTiP: the quantum toolbox in Python as an ecosystem for quantum physics exploration and quantum information science
The Rapid Analytics and Model Prototyping (RAMP) framework: tools for collaborative data science challenges
Scientific DevOps: Designing Reproducible Data Analysis Pipelines with Containerized Workflow Managers
How we dealt with poor code analysis support in our generator, metaclasses, and code generation heavy projects
Prioritizing Pandemic Rates with Python: Connecting generalized disease modeling to optimization in a pandemic world
Keynote: Trusted AI – Building Reproducible, Unbiased and Robust AI Pipelines using the python OpenSource sta
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression": writing great "getting started" documentation
From chaos to insights: the challenges of extracting meaningful information from unstructured data with Python and spaCy
Building a full featured Python Web Application in 10 minutes with turbogears2 pluggable extensions part 2
Experiments in data mining, entity disambiguation and how to think data-structures for designing beautiful algorithms
Crypto-AI: A Guide to Building Private and Decentralized AI Systems by Mixing Cryptography, Blockchains and AI.
Python Winding Itself Around DatacubesHow to Access Massive Multi-Dimensional Arrays in a Pythonic Way
A Perfect Match: The history, design, implementation, and future of Python's structural pattern matching
How to Make Your Python Jupyter Notebook Standalone and Reproducible to allow others to replicate your experiments
Quicksort, Timsort, Powersort - Algorithmic ideas, engineering tricks, and trivia behind CPython's new sorting algorithm
Breaking Boundaries: Advancements in High-Performance AI/ML through PyTorch's Python Compiler (Sponsor: Meta)
Data of an Unusual Size: A practical guide to analysis and interactive visualization of massive datasets
The ChatGPT Privacy Tango: Dancing with Data Security and Large Language Models (Sponsor: Cape Privacy)
You CAN teach an old doc new tricks: Automate your project documentation using Sphinx & GitHub Actions
From Closed to Open: The Journey of Enabling Next Scale Development using Python and Open Source at Ansys (Sponsor: Ansys)
Eurex Tutorial - Interactive Financial Analytics with Python and IPython -- With Examples Based on the VSTOXX Volatility Index
Binder 2.0: The Next Generation of Reproducible Scientific Environments with repo2docker and BinderHub
Keynote: Black and Gold: The Role of Python in Recent Gravitational Wave Astronomy Breakthroughs with LIGO and Virgo
Harnessing the Power of Scientific Python to Investigate the Biogeochemistry of the Central Pacific Ocean
The Apprentice's Enthusiastic Guide to pandas (or how to look at the world through the gentle eyes of one)
Collaborative, streaming, 3D, and interactive matplotlib, ggplot2, and MATLAB plots in an IPython Notebook with Plotly
Writing your own Kubernetes operator and CRD in Python with kopf to enhance and harden your Kubernetes clusters
Transfer those Skills! How to Identify, Communicate, and Sell your Transferable Skills when Switching Careers
Grant Paton-Simpson - SOFA Statistics - Developing, packaging, and promoting a Python open source project
[Poster] Enabling High Throughput Immunobiology by Integrating Django, numpy, matplotlib, and SQLAlchemy
Climate & GIS: User Friendly Data Access, Workflows, Manipulation, Analysis and Visualization of Climate Data
How to name your open source Django project after a famous Jazz musician, and concepts behind Django-Mingus, a project leveraging only reusable apps.
Echopype: Enhancing the Interoperability and Scalability of Ocean Sonar Data Processing for Biological Information
Experience Building Local Communities of Open Source Practices Users through The Carpentries' Membership Program
Composing and Decomposing Quantum Chemistry Software: Transitioning a Field from ASCII Text to Relational Data Documents and Schema
Raiders of the Pottery GAN: Using 3D Generative Adversarial Networks for Data Augmentation in Archaeological Studies
To a Billion and Beyond: How to Visually Explore, Compare and Share Large Quantitative. Datasets with HiGlass
Building & Replicating Models of Visual Search Behavior w/ Tensorflow, Nengo, & Scientific Python Stack
The promised Django Land; the tale of one team’s epic journey from the country of Flask to Django Land
Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): hands-on to making new data (and some pretty pictures)
No Community Members Were Harmed in the Making of This Doc Sprint: How we ran a 48-hour event to collect community wisdom into a guidebook for newsroom developers
Writing tests for a Django application doesn't have to suck: the simplest way to write short, fast and maintainable tests
Is Python Your TYPE of Programming Language? How to Use Static Typing in Python with Type Hints, MyPy and Pydantic
Welcome to the Algo Wars: Leveraging Design Thinking for Building Scalable Enterprise Intelligent Systems
TrendVis: An Elegant Interface for Dense, Sparkline-Like, Quantitative Visualizations of Multiple Series Using Matplotlib
Massively increase your productivity on personal projects with comprehensive documentation and automated tests
Herding your database queries: diagnosing, improving and guarding performance of DB interactions in your Django apps
Unlock: A Python-based framework for rapid development of practical brain-computer interface applications
Matplotlib: Lessons from middle age. Or, how you too can turn a hundred lines of patch rejection into two hundred thousand lines of code.
Forking your way to success and happiness: how GitHub style collaboration is ushering in a new era of amateur led innovation.
Parallel Computational Methods and Simulation for Coastal and Hydraulic Applications Using the Proteus Toolkit
Using Artificial Intelligence and Satellite Imagery to Zero in on the Philippines' Most Vulnerable Communities
Drilling the Chicxulub Impact Structure: Study of Large Impact Formation and Effects on Life during IODP/ICDP Expedition 364
Designing a Python-based Monte Carlo Tool for Generating Non-Equilibrium Semi-Crystalline Polymer Configurations
Hybrid-Vocal-Classifier (HVC): a Python Package to Automate Labeling of Birdsong for Behavioral Experiments
Deploying Interactive Jupyter Dashboards for Visualizing Hundreds of Millions of Datapoints, in 30 Lines of Python
A Fast Template Periodogram for Finding Periodic (Non-Sinusoidal) Waveforms in Noisy, Irregularly-Sampled Time Series Data
Satellite data is for everyone: insights into modern remote sensing research with open data and Python
Introduction and practical experience about Quantum Computing using the Python libraries from IBM and Google
Solving Data Science Problems using a Jupyter Notebook and SAP HANA's in-database Machine Learning Libraries
From Wittgenstein to TensorFlow: The role of Domain Specific Languages and Language Design in Machine Learning
Advanced Analytics Today: From Open Source Integration to the Operationalization of the Analytic Lifecycle
Playing with Social Network, Geo-Spatial, Financial Flow, and Banking System Data: Graph-Theoretic Computation in Python
Enabling Blockchain Energy Trading among Smart Buildings through the Use of Multi-Agent Systems and Internet of Things Devices
Tread Lightly: Leave Shallower Footprints When Building and Testing Your Python Project (Sponsor: Fastly)
Python Code vs. Pythonic Code: What Experienced Developers Find Challenging About Learning Python (Sponsor: Bloomberg)
The open book of Snowflake's AI research: A look inside our generative AI innovations (Sponsor: Streamlit)
Introduction to Ibis: blazing fast analytics with DuckDB, Polars, Snowflake, and more, from the comfort of your Python repl.
Leverage knowledge from under-represented classes in machine learning: an introduction to imbalanced-learn
What I learned about Python – and about Guido's time machine – by reading the python-ideas mailing list
Making Yourself Redundant on Day One - Internal documentation to teach the next hire what you've learned
Optimization-based design of wireless sensor networks for gas monitoring systems in underground mines
Application of the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm in 2D and 3D nano-materials with magnetic properties.
MPCite: Continuous and High-throughput Allocation of Digital Object Identifiers for Calculated and Contributed Data in the Materials Project
A Simulation Framework for Studying the Code Acquisition and Tracking Functions of a Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver
AiiDA 1.0: A scalable simulation platform to manage high-throughput high-performance simulations with automatic provenance tracking
Unlock the power of insurtech! A case study of digitizing the risk assessment in insurance using powerful python libraries and optimise performance with advanced machine learning models
NetworkX, a package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks
Par-delà l'Invisible, un projet de la SAT, une exposition artistique en réalité augmentée sur un iPhone avec un backend Django, ainsi qu'un site web interactif
Not a long time ago, in a galaxy not very far away, an astronomer and a computer scientist walk into a bar...
Building a Text Processing Pipeline − Application to Relationship Detection between Fictional Characters
Seamless Transition: How I Converted an Existing MySQL Database to be Fully Managed by Django Migrations Framework
A Related Matter: Optimizing your webapp by using django-debug-toolbar, select_related(), and prefetch_related()
Empowering Tertiary Students: Introducing PyClubs for Enhanced Python Skills and Community Engagement
sktime - python toolbox for time series: advanced forecasting - probabilistic, global and hierarchical
Honey, I shrunk the target variable! Common pitfalls when transforming the variable and how to exploit transformations
Real time data acquisition, from Arduino to the web, using PubSub with Redis, Django and other friends
Keynote: Making the Big Data ecosystem work together with Python: Apache Arrow, Spark, Beam, and Dask
Keynote: Democratising data journalism: building a collaborative and investigative network across the UK
Building Leafy Chat, DjangoDose, and Hurricane, Lessons Learned on the Real-Time Web with Python (#24)
Small acts make great revolutions: crafting Python and Open Source communities in Rio de Janeiro (#78)
Seattle: A Python-based Platform for Easy Development and Deployment of Networked Systems and Applications (#162)