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Keynote: State of the Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)


Recent releases of Django introduced ORM (object-relational mapping) features that made it easier to perform complex data manipulations efficiently in the context of web applications. Abstractions such as FilteredRelation, Constraint, Window functions, JSONField/JSONObject, expression support for Index, Queryset.alias, and other features and improvements untapped the full potential of the prior expression API work.

On the other hand, initiatives such as the async work, bugs, and limitations in usage of recently introduced ORM/SQL features are shedding light on fundamental and long-standing issues that will require complex work to address.

How can we lift these anchors and ensure Django remains a powerful tool to define and manipulate data models in the future? Join us as we walk through ongoing development and review the state of the ORM and how you can contribute to it.


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