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Enhancements to Ginga: an Astronomical Image Viewer and Toolkit


We describe recent developments in the Ginga package, a open-source astronomical image viewer and toolkit written in python and hosted on Github. The package was introduced to the scientific python community at SciPy 2013 and has received a number of enhancements since then based on user feedback. The talk includes an image mosaicing demo of a wide-field camera exposure with 116 4Kx2K CCDs.


Ginga is an open-source astronomical image viewer and toolkit written in python and hosted on Github. It uses and inter-operates with several key scientific python packages: numpy, scipy, astropy and matplotlib.

In this talk/poster we describe and illustrate recent enhancements to the package since the introductory talk at SciPy 2013, including:

  • modular/pluggable interfaces for world coordinate systems, image file I/O and star and image catalogs
  • support for rendering into matplotlib figures
  • support for image mosaicing
  • support for image overlays
  • customizable user-interface bindings
  • improved documentation
  • self contained Mac OS X packages

During the talk we will demonstrate the mosaicing plugin that is being used with several instruments at Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, including the new Hyper Suprime-Cam wide-field camera with 116 separate 4Kx2K CCDs.

The talk/poster may be of interest to anyone developing code in python needing to display scientific image (CCD or CMOS) data and astronomers interested in python-based quick look and analysis tools.


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