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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Development Environment

Translations: en


"But it worked on machine" is one the most frustrating lines to hear when collaborating on a project. Creating and configuring reproducible environments is a major part of modern software development and had led to the popularity of tools like Docker to specify where and how code runs. Setting up Docker and Development Containers in VS Code make it easy to configure not only the where the code runs, but also the developer workspace. Setting up these tools can reduce effort for maintainers, bootstrap contributors, and make running events like workshops or sprints easier.

In this talk, we will cover why setting up container infrastructure like Docker can be useful for your project, and how you can extend that with Dev Containers to configure a full development experience in VS Code. We will also take a look at two common OSS project scenarios and how workflows for using Docker, Dev Containers and Codespaces make things easier. No container experience required, and some knowledge of VS Code helpful, but not necessary.


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