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Server-Side is Dead! Long Live Server-Side (+ HTMX)


## Objectives

By the end of this talk, audience members will have a better understanding of what HTMX is, will understand concrete examples of how it can be applied to their django projects, and will have a list of resources for further learning and discussion.

## Outline

  • The current state
    • Frameworks for days
    • Front-end roadmap
    • Django templates
  • One potential approach

  • Feature and approach walk-throughs For a variety of common web application features, we will take a look at a typical django approach and how one might approach the problem with django + htmx.

    1. Messaging inbox functionality (read/archive)
      • A traditional Django approach
      • Django + HTMX approach
    2. One-click settings
      • A traditional Django approach
      • Django + HTMX approach
    3. Multiple forms in multiple tabs
      • A traditional Django approach
      • Django + HTMX approach
  • Tips, best practices, and pitfalls
    • CSRF Tokens
    • More Views
    • Complimentary JS libraries
    • Simplifying things with django-htmx
    • Additional resources

Code examples and slides: [](


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