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Event: PyCon US 2020
Other events in this series:
1 + 1 = 1 or Record Deduplication with Python
9 Years of PyLadies: Lessons Learned and What Comes Next
A careful walk through probability distributions, using Python
A 🐍's guide to Unicode
AsyncIO + Music
Automate the Boring Stuff with Slackbot
Beautiful Python Refactoring
Big O No: Django ORM runtime complexity and how to avoid it using LATERAL JOINS
Bridging Data Science and Data Infrastructure with Apache Airflow
Building Docs like Code: Continuous Integration for Documentation
Building interactive applications for image data
C++ ♥ Python: from modules to hybrid applications
Comprehensible Comprehensions
Datos, Python y humanos
Decoding bias and narrative in competitive video games
Deploying Django on Serverless Infrastructure
Deploying Python at Scale with Dask
Detección automatizada de archivos maliciosos en el repositorio PyPI
Docker and Python: making them play nicely and securely for Data Science and ML
Easy Data Processing With Azure Fun
Education Summit 2020
Effective Data Visualization
Extending the Python Ecosystem to Xilinx
Finite State Machine (FSM) in Django
From 0 to 60 in 2,592,000 seconds
From Project to Productionized on Heroku
Function dissection lab -- learn how functions
Geospatial Public Policy Analysis with GeoPandas
Getting started with automatic differentiation
Goodbye Print, Hello Debugger!
Hands-on Python for Programmers
Hands-On Web App Test Automation
How I Solved my NYC Parking Problem with Python
How multilingual is your NLP model?
How Python Powers Salesforce.org's Unique Open Source Model
How to build an intelligent “indoor garden”
If Statements are a Code Smell
Implementing Ethics: Developing Trustworthy AI
Integraciones con Asyncio
Introduction to Decorators: Power Up Your Python Code
Introduction to Writing Network Tests with pyATS
It's Officially Legal so Let's Scrape the Web
Leadership and Identity in the Pan-African Python movement
Let's talk Databases in Python: SQLAlchemy and Alembic
Machine Learning on Encrypted Data with CrypTen
Migration from Python 2 to 3
Mixing a Raspberry Pi with Python into a 5th Grade Science Fair Project
Modern Python Developer's Toolkit
Multiply your Testing Effectiveness with Parameterized Testing
Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python - From Zero to Hero
Nonsense verse with Python and machine learning
NVIDIA: GPU-Accelerated Data Analytics in Python
Optimize Python & Django apps with Postgres superpowers
Organizing To Improve Your Workplace: Know Your Rights
Polyglot data with python: Introducing Pandas and Apache Arrow
Practical privacy-preserving machine learning in Python
Privacy-preserving methods: Building secure projects
PSF Community Address
Pyambic Pentameter: generating rhyming and metered poems
Python Concurrency: from beginner to pro
Python in High Energy Physics
Python Steering Council Community Address
Python Trainers Summit - Hatchery 2020
Saved by In-Memory NoSQL - A hitchhiker guided to Black Box debugging of Python Production Code
Say it with Bots!
Serverless Python Applications with Google Cloud
Si no está documentado, su proyecto no existe.
Small Big Data: using NumPy and Pandas when your data doesn't fit in memory
Snakes in a case: Packaging Python apps for distribution
“Sorry, Could you repeat that again?” - Speech Recognition with Python
Static Typing in Python
Stop Using Mocks (for a while)
The Hidden Power of the Python Runtime
The Hitchhiker's Guide to CLIs in Python
The joy of creating art with code
The Limitations and Danger of Facial Recognition
Transitioning from developing software to developing people
Type Hints: Putting more Buzz in your Fizz
Using Python to Detect Vulnerabilities in Binaries
We need to talk about Windows
What is deployment, anyway?
Why is Python slow?
Write Less and Test More with Data Regression Testing
Yin Yang Ranch: Building a Distributed Computer Vision Pipeline using Python, OpenCV and ZMQ
Demystifying Deep Learning for Data Scientists
Developing With Doctests - Using Xdoctest As A Backend
East Meets West When Translating Django Apps
Historias de debug en clase de Python Avanzado
Ray: A System for High-performance, Distributed Python Applications
Welcome to PyCon 2020