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In this tutorial, we will cover the fundamentals and practical aspects of network science and how it can be used to solve problems in science and society! Outline:
Part 1: Introduction (30 min)
- Networks of all kinds: biological, transportation.
- Representation of networks, NetworkX data structures
- Basic quick-and-dirty visualizations
Part 2: Hubs and Paths (40 min)
- Finding important nodes; applications
- Pathfinding algorithms and their applications
- Hands-on: implementing path-finding algorithms
- Visualize degree and betweenness centrality distributions.
Part 3: Cliques, Triangles & Structures (40 min)
- Definition of cliques
- Triangles as the simplest complex clique, applications
- Using path-finding algorithms to find structures in a graph.
- Open triangles as recommender systems.
Part 4: Bipartite Graphs (30 min)
- Definition of bipartite graphs, applications
- Constructing bipartite graphs in NetworkX.
- Summary statistics of bipartite graphs
Part 5: Advanced Network Visualizations & Concepts (40 min)
- Basic concepts in rational layouts: node positioning, node colouring.
- Plots: Circos, Arc, Hive, Matrix, Flow plots
- Handling large graphs using matrices.
- Graph diffs and their application to analysis of time-variant, evolving graphs.