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Event: PyData Amsterdam 2017
Other events in this series:
A billion stars in the Jupyter Notebook
Applied Data Science
Data Science in the Internet of Things with Python and Spark
Debugging PySpark - Pretending to make sense of JVM stack traces
Deep Learning at Booking.com
Deploying Python models to production
Lightning Talks & Closing Remarks
Neural Networks for Recommender Systems
Python vs Orangutan
Pythonic Metal
Risk Analysis
Siamese LSTM in Keras: Learning Character-Based Phrase Representations
Survival analysis for conversion rates
Using deep learning in natural language processing: explaining Google's Neural Machine Translation
xtensor: the lazy tensor algebra library
A practical guide to speed up your application with Asyncio
A Pythonic Tour of Neo4j and the Cypher Query Language
Bayesian optimization with Scikit-Optimize
Creativity and AI: Deep Neural Nets "Going Wild"
Deep learning for time series made easy
Deep Reinforcement Learning: theory, intuition, code
Diagnosing Machine Learning Models
Different Strategies of Scaling H2O Machine Learning on Apache Spark
Ethical Machine Learning: Creating Fair Models in an Unjust World
Finding Needles in a Growing Haystack: An Architecture for Intelligent Reporting at Scale
Simulate your language. ish.
Smoothing your data with polynomial fitting: a signal processing perspective
Successfully applying Bayesian statistics to A/B testing in your business
Training a TensorFlow model to detect lung nodules on CT scans