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Speaker: Olivier Grisel
Histogram-based Gradient Boosting in scikit-learn 0.21
Scalable Machine Learning with Dask
Machine Learning with scikit-learn Part 1
Machine Learning with scikit-learn Part 2
Tricks for Efficient Multicore Computing
Scikit-learn (1/2)
Scikit-learn (2/2)
Parallel Data Analysis
Predictive Modeling and Python: some trends
Predictive modelling with Python
Construire et tester des wheels sous Linux, OSX et Windows
What's new in scikit-learn 0.16 and what's cooking...
Build and test wheel packages on Linux, OSX & Windows
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn (II)
Diving deeper into Machine Learning with Scikit-learn
Exploring Machine Learning with Scikit-learn
Comment faire pousser des forets aleatoires dans les nuages
Advanced Machine Learning with scikit-learn
Introduction to Interactive Predictive Analytics in Python with scikit-learn
Statistical machine learning for text classification with scikit-learn