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Scikit-build: A Build System Generator for CPython C/C++/Fortran/Cython Extensions


We present “Scikit-build”, an improved build system generator for CPython C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions. It provides improved support for additional compilers, build systems, cross compilation, and locating dependencies and determining their build requirements over distutils/setuptools. We also describe how ITK and VTK C++ scientific libraries were updated to make use of scikit-build to ultimately be published as wheels.Presenter(s): Speaker: Jean- Christophe Fillion-Robin, Kitware, Inc. Speaker: Matthew McCormick, Kitware, Inc. Speaker: Omar Padron, Kitware, Inc. Speaker: Max Smolens, Kitware, Inc. Speaker: Michael Grauer, Kitware, Inc. Speaker: Michael Sarahan, Anaconda, Inc.


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