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Writing Faster Python 3


Writing Faster Python 3 - PyCon Italia 2022

Source code level optimization is often neglected - people don’t bother, because getting a faster server often gives better results. But if you - like me - always wonder what is the most efficient way to write some code, then this talk is for you! Did you know that Python preallocates integers from -5 to 257? Reusing them 1000 times, instead of allocating memory for a bigger integer, can save you a couple milliseconds of code’s execution time. If you want to learn more about this kind of optimizations then, … well, probably this presentation is not for you :) Instead of going into such small details, I will talk about more “sane” ideas for writing faster code.

After a brief overview of different levels of optimization and how they work in Python, I will show you simple and fast ways of measuring the execution time of your code and finally, discuss examples of how some code structures could be improved.

You will see: * The fastest way of removing duplicates from a list * How much faster your code is when you reuse the built-in functions instead of trying to reinvent the wheel * What is faster than the “for loop” * If the lookup is faster in a list or a set * When it’s better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission

Speaker: Sebastian Witowski


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