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Type checking your Django code with django-types and Pyright


Among the topics we'll cover are:

  • A brief history of Django type stubs
  • Which type stubs, and which type checker: django-stubs or django-types, mypy or pyright?
  • Starting a project with type hints, or adding type hints to an existing project
  • Where to focus: adding type hints to Django models and views
  • Workarounds for when the type stubs aren't quite right
  • Configuring pyright for type checking: running pyright on the host, in a container, on a CI server
  • pyright and LSP clients: turning your text editor (Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text, VS Code, etc) into a full-fledged Python/Django IDE
  • Type hints for documentation, code navigation, and refactoring

There will be live coding in the presentation. All code is open-sourced on GitHub, and links will be provided.


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