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Speaker: Luciano Ramalho
Beyond Programming Paradigms (with Python examples)
Keynote: Type hints, protocols, and good sense
Protocol: the keystone of type hints
Beyond Paradigms: a new key to grok Python & other languages
Beyond Paradigms
Set Practice: learning from Python's set types
Pythonic Objects: idiomatic OOP in Python
Go e Python lado a lado
Insight About Async/Await
Think Like a Pythonista
Lightning talks May 20th, 2017 Evening session session
Decorators and descriptors decoded
Python Assíncrono: tudo ao mesmo tempo agora - Luciano Ramalho
Pythonic Objects: implementing productive APIs with the Python Data Model
Trilha Pydata | Girando pratos: concorrência moderna em Python
Pingo means "pin, go!"
Iteration & Generators: the Python Way
Encapsulation with descriptors
Descritores de atributos em Python
38. ABC: the mother of Python