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Implementing Custom Containers

By Claus


One often encounters the following situation(s):

  • I want to represent my data,
  • I want to read/write, load/dump or somehow get/save data,
  • I want to iterate over data.

Instead of inventing a completely new class that provides required functionality, it may make sense to mimic or subclass an already existing collection, e.g. a dict, add custom dunder (double underscore) methods and quickly end up with a container that not only serves your purpose but is also very natural to use.

After a short introduction in which we clarify some notions, we focus on two sample use cases:

  • How to extend a tuple to represent data?
  • How to implement a dict-like container for data handling?

Throughout the talk we will discover some of the most often needed dunder methods that define a container's behaviour.


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