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Inside Out: My Journey of Understanding Inclusion


In this talk I'll share my personal journey of understanding diversity and inclusion. Being part of a minority group, I have encountered numerous challenges, I've learned a lot, and made my fair share of mistakes along the way.

This presentation is an opportunity to reflect on my experiences, sharing the lessons learned and real-life stories that have shaped my view on the matter. Get ready for a captivating array of anecdotes!

I'll openly discuss the challenges I've faced and the insights I've gained, highlighting both successes and shortcomings, always offering a perspective rather than definitive solutions or comprehensive analysis. I'll cover topics such as tone connotations, inclusive[n|l]ess of different languages, the importance of company policies, quirks derived from cultural and social norms, and more. In the final segment of this talk, I will discuss my recent experience within the Django project and community as a whole.

This talk is not intended to provide a one-size-fits-all approach, but rather to inspire thought, reflection, and positive change. I hope to encourage open dialogue among attendees, as we explore strategies for creating a more inclusive, diverse and equitable environment.


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