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Supercharge Your Shell — Command-Line Power-Ups and Dotfile Automation


Supercharge Your Shell — Command-Line Power-Ups and Dotfile Automation -
PyCon Italia 2022

We spend hours each day in a terminal console, so let’s make the most of
that time by enhancing our command-line productivity. We will automate
dotfile configuration, facilitate Python interpreter and virtual
environment management, and supercharge our terminals with powerful
command-line tools. We spend hours each day in a terminal console, so
let’s make the most of that time by enhancing our command-line
productivity. Together we will automate dotfile configuration,
facilitate Python interpreter and virtual environment management, and
supercharge our terminals with powerful command-line tools.

Managing our shell configuration, commonly referred to collectively as
“dotfiles”, can be an onerous task. Thankfully there are tools like
Ansible and Chezmoi that we will use to more effectively automate
dotfile management in versioned repositories, which we can then easily
deploy to both personal workstations and remote servers.

Given the pitfalls inherent in distro-packaged Python interpreters
`1 <>`__, building and managing our own Python interpreters efficiently
has never been more important. Thankfully, we will use tools like ASDF
to make this incredibly easy, as well as examine its similar benefits
for Node.js/NPM and *hundreds* of other languages and tools, all via
extensible plugins. For Fish shell users, we will see how VirtualFish
makes it easy to create, upgrade, and activate virtual environments in
ways that have never been available before.

Finally, we will explore how powerful command-line tools like Zoxide,
Bat, RipGrep-All + fzf, and others can be used to dramatically increase
our terminal console productivity.

Attendees of this talk will take home the following knowledge and

-  how to automate dotfile configuration management and deployment
-  how to build and manage multiple Python interpreter versions
-  how to more efficiently manage Python virtual environments
-  how to use powerful command-line tools to increase terminal console

Speaker: Justin Mayer


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