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✨ Modern editing experience for your Django models with Wagtail 🐦


Can content management features be useful when managing arbitrary Django models?

Wagtail is an open source, Django-powered Content Management System (CMS). It is built on the concept of pages as tree-structured Django models. As a CMS, Wagtail gives you the power to save revisions, manage live/draft versions, moderate your content, _live_ preview as you edit, and much more.

A typical Wagtail project would have your user-facing website structure be defined by the tree structure of the Page model. However, if you have an existing Django project with your own defined Django views, and you don't want to use Wagtail's Page model, you can still get plenty of benefits from Wagtail!

In this talk, we will learn how to benefit from powerful content-management features for your existing Django models by integrating Wagtail CMS into your project.

This talk does not require any pre-existing knowledge about Wagtail CMS, though familiarity with Django models and external apps is expected.

The talk will be structured as follows: - What Wagtail CMS is and how it compares with Django itself - Wagtail features likely relevant to many Django projects and how they work - How to integrate Wagtail into an existing Django project - How to progressively enable Wagtail's features and use them to manage your Django models


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