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R0D3K1 Crossing Language Barriers with julia SciPy and Ipython - Steven G. Johnson (PyCon APAC 2015)


Speaker: Steven G. Johnson

Steven G. Johnson is an associate professor of applied mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he previously received a Ph.D. in physics and B.S. degrees in physics, mathematics, and computer science. His research interests include scientific computing and both the analytical and computational study of nanophotonic media (such as photonic crystals and metamaterials) for both classical and quantum phenomena. He is the co-author of nearly 200 papers and three books. SGJ was the co-recipient of the 1999 J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software due to his work on the FFTW library, and has since then developed several popular free/open-source packages for technical computing, including MPB, Meep, and NLopt, as well as contributing to SciPy and other free software. He is active in the development of the new technical-computing language, Julia, and will introduce Julia at PyCon along with the ways in which Julia benefits from and interoperates with Python.


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