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Turning your web app into a webapp-with-users looks like an onerous yak-shaving mission, full of DNS and email configuration, password databases, and so on. We will use the great flask-security metamodule, and a little bit of glue, to show just how easy this formerly-annoying process can be, from go to whoa.
Say you’re using Flask, and your happy little app now suddenly needs an endpoint user-secured, Because Reasons… what do you do?
Either you hardcode a password in, hook up basic-auth, and go home,
OR, you face the fun of users, roles, the users need to sign up, now they’ve forgotten their passwords again, and so on. There’s really no middle ground.
Going from "open season" to "i want this function protected with a role permission" is a big old yak-shaving mission, full of DNS configuration, the dismaying realisation that now your app has to send email, and so on.
In the spirit of self-sufficiency and ‘DevOps’, this talk takes you from a bare 'hello world' flask app, through to a bare 'hello world' app with role protection for endpoints. We’ll start with a domain name and a VPS, and end with an app that people can sign up to.
We'll be using the great flask-security metamodule, and a little bit of glue, to show just how easy this formerly-annoying process can be, from go to whoa.