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Wagtail Live: bringing a live blogging tool to the Django ecosystem

Translations: en


People want their news as fast as possible. Increasingly, large news organisations are using 'live blogging' techniques to bring breaking stories to the public as they happen - this could be goals in a soccer match, or the unfolding events of an election night.

As a student on the Google Summer of Code programme, I'm bringing a tool like this into the Django ecosystem. I've been working on Wagtail Live, a project to help reporters submit text, images and videos from lightweight tools like Slack, Telegram and WhatsApp, directly into a CMS that updates the content for its audience in real time.

In this talk, I'll show you how to use Wagtail Live to build a live blog in your own app.

  • First, we will give a better overview of what a live blog is.
  • We will then explain how Wagtail Live makes live blogging happen.
  • Last, we will go through the steps of building a live blog with Wagtail Live and Slack from A to Z.


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