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Event: PyParis 2018
Other events in this series:
A better way to use modern Javascript/Node.js with Django
A Short History of Array-based Computing in Python
Beat a Google Ads Bidder using ML
Big forms with JSON schemas and transcrypt
Bonobo, Airflow and Grafana to visualize your business
Crossing the native code frontier
Data Science for Industry 4.0
Deep Learning with PyTorch for more Fun and Profit (Part 2.5)
(Deep) Machine Learned Model Deployment with ONNX
DSL in Pyrser
Exploring image processing pipelines with scikit-image, joblib, ipywidgets and dash
GeoAlchemy: using SQLAlchemy with Spatial databases
Geospatial data processing for image automatic analysis
GraphQL in Python and Django
How to use AsyncIO to make the most of a CPU Bound and IO Bound software with Python 3.7
Inside Rapid.Space: Open Hardware and Free Software = Ultra Low Cost High Performance Cloud
Interactive widgets in the Jupyter Notebook
Jupytext: Edit Jupyter notebooks represented as Python scripts
Let the AI Do the Talk: Adventures with Natural Language Generation
Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn: quick clusterization of a very large malware dataset
Modern Pandas - Writing effective, readable data pipeline
Porting application from Python 2.x to 3.x
PyParis 2018 - Introduction
PyParis 2018 - Lightning talks
PyParis 2018 - Sponsor speech (Wifirst)
Python for non-coders
Python tooling for continuous deployment
Robosat: an Open Source and efficient Semantic Segmentation Toolbox for Aerial Imagery
Scaling from 0 to 60k RPM
Scikit-learn: news on making even better machine learning
Segmentation of 3-D materials science images : from raw data to physical measurements
Serverless Python
Technical Debt: the Code Monster in your Closet
The SIMPLE Framework, simplifying complex container clusters
Unexpected Dataclasses
Using Deep Learning to rank and tag millions of hotel images
Using type annotation in Python
Vaex: Out of Core Dataframes for Python
Vim Your Python, Python Your Vim
What is asyncio and when to use it, an example with WatchGhost