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Sunday Afternoon Lightning Talks


Plenary: Afternoon Lightning Talks

(02:20) Steve Holden - Lightning talk about lightning talks

(02:55) Michael Foord - Little Bit of Python podcast, upcoming unittest stuff, mock

(08:00) Harald Armin Massa - The real harm of functional programming

(11:41) Karl ? - FreeBSD certiciation

(13:50) Peter Fein - Please Pirate

(19;15) Chris McDonough - writing books with Sphinx (repoze.bfg); createspace

(22:05) Chris Petrilli - celery, distributed task queue

(26:30) Godefroid Chapelle - vim and pdb

(29:20) ? - fork() vs. threads

(33:40) - doing pyweek game with a large number of contributors

(38:05) Jason Huggins - Orbison

(43:20) Noufal Brahim - State of Python community in India

(47:40) Mike Müller - EuroSciPy 2010

(49:50) David gives away stuff, sprint intros, ...

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