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Tag: pyconau
A Beginners Guide to GPUs for Pythonistas
A capital letter, a number, a special character, an emotional journey for the character, a subplot,
A tale of Python C extensions and cross-platform wheels
Accessibility Overlays: A Cautionary Tale
AppSec on a budget
At the Turn of the Tide – Teaching Python in Real-Time at Scale
Cataloging the world's data for great good
CFU Playground
Classifying Audio into Types using Python
Collapsology: Why your biggest threat isn’t exposed RDP
Composing algorithmic (notated) music with Python and Abjad
Conference Close
Conference Open
Doing stupid things with ASTs
Education Showcase
Education Track Closing Address
Fair game: the ethics of telco fraud
Football (soccer) data analysis: A pedagogic introduction
From futons to functions: the principles of good API design
from hat import rabbit: Hacking your way through Python's import machinery for fun and profit
Get Kookin’ With Kookaberry
Graph Data Science
Hey, Python-Web-Community! What's going on?
High performance machine learning with JAX
How PyLadies Brazil became the biggest PyLadies chapter of the world
Improved Decision Making with Pareto Fronts
It doesn't work!
Keynote - Ee Durbin
Knock, knock! Who's there?
Let’s get radical: digital privacy as a collective issue
Lightning talks
Making Swiss Cheese of Ticket Sales
Metrics for good, not evil
No, Maybe and Close Enough! Probabilistic Data Structures with Python and Redis
On the Use and Misuse of Decorators
Planning for Failure using Chaos Engineering
Python Type hints and how they can supercharge CS education.
Python Versions and Dependencies Made Easy
Python VS Space Junk
Real python, made of blocks
Setting up a machine translation service for Timor-Leste
Snakes all the way down, building Worlds with Python code
So You’re a Software Developer, Now What? Exploring Career Growth
Ten Tips For Teaching Technical Topics
The Butterfly Effect: How a single bit changed my career
Things might go wrong in a data-intensive application
Time Series Forecasting Techniques in Python
Vampires in the Browser: banishing uninvited Javascript from your web app
Web Security for Newcomers: how to avoid getting hacked as a software developer
What was your Python up to at 3am?
When a little web app needs to grow up... the journey from a hobby project to production
Working with penetration testers as a developer
dask-image: distributed image processing for large data
dask-image: distributed image processing for large data
DevOps for Data Science? - automate the boring stuff and leverage the OSS ecosystem
DevOps for Data Science? - automate the boring stuff and leverage the OSS ecosystem
Extracting data from Excel with Python
Extracting data from Excel with Python
Technosolutionism and human rights
Technosolutionism and human rights
Why the float did it NaN?
Why the float did it NaN?
3 ways to test S3 in Python
3 ways to test S3 in Python
A Reflection on Software Testing
A Reflection on Software Testing
A sack full of angry snakes: Taming your python dependencies with Nix
A sack full of angry snakes: Taming your python dependencies with Nix
A website controlled Lego Robot using the Raspberry Pi
A website controlled Lego Robot using the Raspberry Pi
All Hands on Deck – Handling Security Issues
All Hands on Deck – Handling Security Issues
At The Root : Wagtail + Gatsby + GitPod
At The Root : Wagtail + Gatsby + GitPod
Biometric Unsecurity
Biometric Unsecurity
Build your own data warehouse for personal analytics with SQLite and Datasette
Build your own data warehouse for personal analytics with SQLite and Datasette
Can you keep a secret?
Can you keep a secret?
Cracking open the COVIDSafe
Cracking open the COVIDSafe
Deceptive Security using Python
Deceptive Security using Python
Decoding: programming beyond text files
Decoding: programming beyond text files
Engineers to Data-Scientists with Python
Engineers to Data-Scientists with Python
Ensemble-X: Your personal strataGEM to build Ensembled Deep Learning Models for Medical Imaging
Ensemble-X: Your personal strataGEM to build Ensembled Deep Learning Models for Medical Imaging
Ensuring Black voices matter: Why your voice assistant is racist, and what we can do about it
Ensuring Black voices matter: Why your voice assistant is racist, and what we can do about it
geospatial data and analysis is :exploding_head:
geospatial data and analysis is :exploding_head:
Getting Over the Boring Stuff Quicker - Building a Semi-Automated Speech Audio Annotation Tool
Getting Over the Boring Stuff Quicker - Building a Semi-Automated Speech Audio Annotation Tool
GitHub Actions & Python
GitHub Actions & Python
Graph Databases will change your (freakin') life
Graph Databases will change your (freakin') life
Hacking Playable Ads: What REALLY are they?
Hacking Playable Ads: What REALLY are they?
How a major museum runs on Python
How a major museum runs on Python
How learning python helped me teach C in tertiary education
How learning python helped me teach C in tertiary education
I don't need friends, I can build my own
I don't need friends, I can build my own
Interactive Mapmaking with Python
Interactive Mapmaking with Python
Introducing Lambda Calculus with Python
Introducing Lambda Calculus with Python
Journey into the Deep World of Web Development
Journey into the Deep World of Web Development
Making Codebases Easier to Learn and Maintain
Making Codebases Easier to Learn and Maintain
Model Selection with Python: An Introduction to Hyper Parameter Tuning
Model Selection with Python: An Introduction to Hyper Parameter Tuning
Of Django, PostgreSQL schemas, and your multi-million dollar idea
Of Django, PostgreSQL schemas, and your multi-million dollar idea
Oh no! I think my project is outgrowing my Jupyter notebook. How do I survive?
Oh no! I think my project is outgrowing my Jupyter notebook. How do I survive?
On a shoe-string and a t2.small: scaling on a [zero] budget.
On a shoe-string and a t2.small: scaling on a [zero] budget.
Oops! I Became an Open Source Maintainer! 😱
Oops! I Became an Open Source Maintainer! 😱
Opening Keynote: MirrorWorld
Opening Keynote: MirrorWorld
Outbreak Outreach - How COVID broke our program for the better
Outbreak Outreach - How COVID broke our program for the better
Panel Discussion: Ethical AI - From talk to practice
Panel Discussion: Ethical AI - From talk to practice
Piping Rain in Python - Adventures in a minute latency Radar Pipeline
Piping Rain in Python - Adventures in a minute latency Radar Pipeline
Practicality Beats Purity: The Zen of Python’s Escape Hatch?
Practicality Beats Purity: The Zen of Python’s Escape Hatch?
Procedural Generation of Terrain
Procedural Generation of Terrain
Publishing well-formed Python packages
Publishing well-formed Python packages
Python Emergency Remote Teaching
Python Emergency Remote Teaching
Python for Accessibility
Python for Accessibility
Queues - The Secret Sauce
Queues - The Secret Sauce
Raising Heretics
Raising Heretics
So what is this time thing anyway?
So what is this time thing anyway?
Speeding up Your Docker Image Build
Speeding up Your Docker Image Build
Staircase: fast analysis with step functions
Staircase: fast analysis with step functions
Stop Writing Tests!
Stop Writing Tests!
Streamlit - Build interactive data dashboards quickly
Streamlit - Build interactive data dashboards quickly
Sunday Lightning Talks (PyConline AU 2020)
Taking Django's ORM Async
Taking Django's ORM Async
Text files full of punctuation? There must be a better way to code.
Text files full of punctuation? There must be a better way to code.
The art of categorical encoding for Tabular data problems
The art of categorical encoding for Tabular data problems
The Art of Micropython- using Python to create award winning art
The Art of Micropython- using Python to create award winning art
The Hitchhiker's Guide to CLIs in Python
The Hitchhiker's Guide to CLIs in Python
The Software Engineering Part of Data Science
The Software Engineering Part of Data Science
The worst outage I never caused
The worst outage I never caused
This Talk Has Been Disabled
This Talk Has Been Disabled
Tweaking the rise and fall of empires and economies
Tweaking the rise and fall of empires and economies
Under and Dunder - Python secret functions
Under and Dunder - Python secret functions
Using Jupyter Notebooks to Empower the Public with Environmental Data
Using Jupyter Notebooks to Empower the Public with Environmental Data
Walled gardens for growing students
Walled gardens for growing students
Wearing Your Python, and Making It Sing Too!
Wearing Your Python, and Making It Sing Too!
What happens behind execution of an `import` statement?
What happens behind execution of an `import` statement?
What happens when you run manage.py test ?
What happens when you run manage.py test ?
What I now know about HAproxied Django DB connections, and wish I'd known sooner
What I now know about HAproxied Django DB connections, and wish I'd known sooner
What The GIL Means For Containers
What The GIL Means For Containers
What We Do in the Shadows
What We Do in the Shadows
Your Escape Plan From Numpy + Cython
Your Escape Plan From Numpy + Cython
PyConAU 2010: An Introduction to Processing
PyConAU 2010: App Engine 101
PyConAU 2010: Building the Wave Robots API: Behind the Scenes
PyConAU 2010: Displaying Australian datasets with Django
PyConAU 2010: Don't Break It: Continuous Integration & Deployment
PyConAU 2010: Esky: keep your frozen apps fresh
PyConAU 2010: Fast Engineering Computation in with Boost::Python and Numarray
PyConAU 2010: Genropy - a framework for creating complex applications deployed on the web
PyConAU 2010: Getting started with Apache/mod_wsgi
PyConAU 2010: GLAMkit: a harder, better, faster, stronger way to write reusable Django code
PyConAU 2010: Hard Real-time Python, or, Giant Robots of Doom
PyConAU 2010: Introducing Python to a Java shop
PyConAU 2010: Keynote: Mark Pesce; "How Not To Be Seen"
PyConAU 2010: Keynote: Nick Hodge; "IronPython & The Quest for the Holy Grail"
PyConAU 2010: Lightning talks - Saturday
PyConAU 2010: Lightning talks - Sunday
PyConAU 2010: Making your Python code fast
PyConAU 2010: Multiple, Heterogeneous Models in Pylons
PyConAU 2010: Need for Speed
PyConAU 2010: Plone for Python Developers
PyConAU 2010: Python Goes to the Movies
PyConAU 2010: Python in Video Games and Multimedia Projects
PyConAU 2010: State Of Python
PyConAU 2010: The future is soon!
PyConAU 2010: Using Python for Natural Language Generation and Analysis
PyConAU 2010: Using Python in a scientific real-time data collection network
PyConAU 2010: Virtualisation Used in Development
PyConAU 2010: What's eating my memory?
PyConAU 2010: What's new in Django 1.2
PyConAU 2010: whoops I deployed again - new ways to get your app in the cloud