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Tag: django
How to fix the order of SQL Where clause conditions in Django ORM
Automate creation and deployment using Python, Terraform and GitLab
Come sfruttare le session auth di Django per un progetto multi tenant
Da crontab a Celery senza rimpianti
Django with PostgreSQL superpowers
La Continuous Delivery è una condizione mentale
Leaflet on steroids with Django
Make the most of Django
Oops ho sovrascritto le tue modifiche
Patti chiari, amicizia lunga. Disaccoppiamo lo sviluppo con test di contratto
Test sana in codice sano
Debugging Django
Django and Wiremock: End-to-end tests made easy
How 12 factor app helped migrate +10k Postgres instances
How to distribute Django projects with Ubuntu Snap
Lighting talks at Django Day Copenhagen 2022
Make the most of Django
Migrations secret powers ⚡
Setting up new developers for success
Thinking in SQL with Django
Predict Lightning Strikes using Django and AWS
Django and multi-tenancy The isolated database approach
The Pit of Success for Object level Permissions in Django
All about The Django Software Foundation DSF
Build, deploy and scale Django, GraphQL and SPA
Cleanroom Software Engineering with Django
From Development to Production, Getting Actionable Insights to Optimize Django Code Performance
KEYNOTE: We're all part of this Jazzband 5 years later
Load Testing a Django Application using LocustIO
Migrations and understanding Django's relationship with its database
Putting a shell or a desktop in your Django app
Rewriting Django from almost scratch in 2021
Securing Django Applications
Serving Files with Django
Speed up your tests with setUpTestData
The request response cycle a Djangonautic journey
Unlocking the full potential of PostgreSQL indexes in Django
Anvil Full Stack Web with Nothing but Python
Clean Architecture with Django Rethinking basic assumptions
Create a full stack, reactive website in Django without JavaScript
Deploying a Django Virtual Event Platform Using Containers and Terraform
Django Unstuck: Suggestions for common challenges in your projects
Django with PostgreSQL Superpowers
Dynamic static sites with Django and Sphinx
Hacking Django Channels for Fun and Profit
HTMX Frontend Revolution
KEYNOTE Spreading our tentacles taking a Django app global
Managing multiple Django services in a single repo
Modern JavaScript for Django Developers
Profiling Django & Python apps
You might not need a frontend framework
A SQL for Django
Django Sketchnoting Challenge
Domain Driven Design with Django and GraphQL
Full stack Django Rest Framework
Getting started with React, GraphQL, and Django
Hunting Performance in Django Code
KEYNOTE How to be a djangonaut in a climate emergency
Programming for pleasure
Teaching cPython, Turtle Graphics, and Jinja2 in the Browser
Telepath-adding the missing link between Django and rich client apps
Writing Safe Database Migrations
Your very own real time chat with Django Channels
API First Design and Django
Contemporary Documentation
Evolution of a Viewpoint
Full Text search in Django
Greening Django
Introducing iommi your first pick for a django power cord
Realizing Relé
The 101 guide to deploying Django
The story of how the MVC Pattern Was Developed
Developing GraphQL API in Django using Graphene
Django Testing on Steroid: pytest + Hypothesis
Full Stack Type Safety
Paolo Melchiorre - A pythonic full-text search
Resurrecting a django project in python 2.7 for 3.8
Telehealth Platform : Python & Django powered
Yet another package for multi-tenancy in Django
Finite State Machine (FSM) in Django
Jumpstart your Django Project with Cookiecutter
An Introduction to Django (Tutorial)
Django Bootstrapping Done Right
Using Python, Django, and ruthlessness to protect people from social media harassment.
GraphQL in Python 🍓
Writing a Python autoreloader
Decoupling Django with Django REST (and a sprinkle of React)
Real world Graphene - lessons learned from building a GraphQL API on top of a large Django project
Machine Learning for Inventory Management
Quando la tua applicazione Django non va abbastanza veloce
Building a Celery alternative in Django on Kubernetes
Mappe 🗺️ con GeoDjango 🌎, PostGIS 🐘 e Leaflet 🍃
Python & Serverless: Refactor your monolith piece by piece
Pushing the ORM to its limits
Django Tutorial Adventure Part 2
Django APIs, Versioning and You
Python on the blockchain: Triumphs and tribulations in a crypto startup
What's new in Python 3.7?
Developing ecommerce platform with Django Oscar
Django 2.0 : What's new?
Django Tutorial Adventure
Taking Django Async
API-Driven Django
Beyond Django Basics
Intermediate testing with Django: Outside-in TDD and Mocking effectively
Introduction to TDD with Django
Choose Your Own Adventure for Client Web Services with GraphQL
Dalla User Story al test automatico in Django: un percorso step by step per dormire sonni tranquilli
Django Girls Italia: entrare in contatto con le donne tecnologiche, davvero
Going Isomorphic with Django and React
GraphQL in Python
Heroku: come deployare un'app Django in 10 minuti!
Monitoraggio di applicazioni Django con Prometheus (e Grafana)
Panino Digitale: una applicazione pratica di educazione creativa
Quando Django incontra PostgreSQL!
Building real time applications with Django
DjangoProject.com - Ricerca Full-Text con PostgreSQL
Designing fast and scalable Python MicroServices with django
A Web App in Four Frameworks
Plugin ecosystems for Python web-applications
Python web frameworks shootout
Flask vs Django
Fullstack Single Page Applications con Django + Webpack + Vue.js
Exprimiendo el ORM de Django
Aplicaciones Geográficas con Django
Sysadmin vs Django
Tu web está lista, ¿lo sabe Google?
Ansible & Terraform for Django: Move Faster, break fewer things
Moving our Django Monolith to Google Cloud
Desplegando webapps con Django en Kubernetes
Building a startup with Django
Google AMP for Django
Oh, I found a Security Issue
Django and the new frontend era
Real-Time Data with Django
To index or not, that's not the question
Crash test of Django ORM
Indicizzare e cercare tonnellate di dati con ElasticSearch e Django
Open edX, soluzione per l'e-learning basata su Django
Digital Analytics Data Aggregation: un case study dal mondo reale utilizzando SQL, NoSQL e Pandas
Django Rest Framework - Tips&Tricks
Ricerca full text in Django con PostgreSQL
Deploy automatizzato di un progetto Python 3/Django con Ansible
Presenting pysftpserver: OpenSSH SFTP service with Python
Creating Community Platforms with Django
Frog and Toad Learn Django Security
Efficient Django - PyConES 2016
Advanced Permissioning
Outside-In TDD
Best practices for scaling Django
Beyond Web 2.0 - Django and Python in the modern web ecosystem
Lightning talks, day 3
Don't be afraid of writing migrations
From Intern to Professional Developer: Advice on a Mid-Career Pivot
Let's Talk Geo: Adding the 'Where' to Your Django Project
Safe-Ish by Default: The Django Security Model and How to Make it Better
Using Django with service workers
A Brief History of Channels
Building A Non-Relational Backend For The ORM
Django Microservices Made Easy
Lightning talks, day 2
Hermione Granger and the Wizard Information System
HTTP/2: why upgrading the web?
Introducing Django To The Foreign World
IoT with Django: From hackathon to production
Keynote: The Art of Programming
The Power ⚡️ and Responsibility 😓 of Unicode Adoption ✨
Django and ReactJS: The good, the bad and the ugly
Lightning talks, day 1
Going with the flow with Django Admin
How to Upgrade to the Newest and Shiniest Django
Learning Django, Learning French
Rub-a-Dub Rubber Duck: Don’t Be Afraid to Debug!
The Front-End Revolution
To mock, or not to mock, that is the question
Custom user models in Django
Build a one page with Django and Angular
Django Girls
Having it All: Distributed services with Django, Boto, and SQS queues
Implantación de ElasticSearch: problemas y soluciones
Single-Page Applications con Django y Backbone
Django Based Autocompl…
Formsets, Concurrent Edits and Uncaught Exceptions
Deploying a Django application using Juju
Django Best Practices
Table Partitioning with Django
Introduction to django CMS
Komponenten einer komplexen Web-Applikation
Von der Entwicklung bis zum Deployment mit standardisierten und konfigurierbaren Laufzeitumgebungen
Going beyond the Django ORM limitations with Postgres
Testing Django applications with pytest
Designing a Real Time Control System based on Django, ZMQ and WebSockets (wrong cover)
Introduce Django to your old friends
Speed up your Django apps with Jython and SPDY
Deployability of Python Web Applications
How DISQUS does "it" when "it" isn't Django
Obey the Testing Goat! Rigorous Test-Driven Web Development with Django and Selenium - Part 1
Obey the Testing Goat! Rigorous Test-Driven Web Development with Django and Selenium - Part 2
Obidire alla capra! TDD con Python i Selenium
Der Django-Admin-Bereich im Überblick
Django, App-gehoben
Django class based generic views
LFS - Ein Online-Shop basierend auf Django
Echtzeit Browsergames
BDFL Keynote - Adrian Holovaty
DjangoCon 2012 Keynote - Eric Sterling
DjangoCon 2012 Keynote - Geoff Schmidt
DjangoCon 2012 Keynote - Russell Keith-Magee
DjangoCon 2012 Keynote - Selena Deckelmann
DjangoCon 2012 Lightning Talks
Mobile apps with Python, Quick! - Part 1
Mobile apps with Python, Quick! - Part 2
Mobile apps with Python, Quick! - Part 3
Mobile apps with Python, Quick! - part4
Django Lessons Learned @BeProud
Building Rich Applications with Django and Ember.js
使える Django 1.4
About Django from the Pyramid Guy
Accelerating and Enhancing Django with Redis
Boosting teamwork with Vagrant
Building PCI compliant Django applications
Django's Nasal Passage
Get off the bench: Making the leap from user to contributor
Is Django for Designers?
Models and Migrations and Schemas - oh my!
Under the Microscope: Evaluating Existing Django Code When Onboarding a New Client
Where Django Caching Busts at the Seams
Between where the Tutorials end & the Wild West begins: bringing new devs up to speed on Django
Cryptography for Django Applications
Django forms in a web API world
Lessons in Testing
So You Want to Make a Payment: Comparing and contrasting Django payment options
The Dungeon Master's guide to Django's ORM
Using Celery with Social Networks
What is Django's Role on Mobile?
Why the Django Community Sucks
A Gringo's Guide to Internationalization
API Design Tips
Creating Dynamic Applications with Django and Backbone.js
Debugging Live Python Web Applications
Designing Your Open Source Project
Django on Gevent
How we found our security best practices (and what they are)
Maintaining Your Sanity While Maintaining Your Open Source App
OpenBlock: Overview & Initial Experience
PostgreSQL when it's not your job
Take Two: If I got to do it all over again
Views can be Classy!
Django Testing Tips
No! Bad Pony!
Towards continuous deployment with Django
How to maintain big app stacks without losing your mind
Say What You Mean: Meta-Programming a Declarative API
Data Driven Cache Invalidation
Django productivity tips and tricks
How to make intelligent web-apps
New beauty in Camelot
Playing tasks with Django-Celery
Challenges in developing a large Django site
Advanced Aspects of the Django Ecosystem: Haystack, Celery & Fabric
Best Practices for Python in the Cloud
django-rdflib and postgresql - the best of both worlds
django-rdflib e postgresql - il meglio dei due mondi
Django: trucchi per migliorare la produttività
Introducing Django REST framework
Merengue: the new surprising and refreshing Django based CMS.
Paver: the build tool you missed
Spatial data and GeoDjango
An iPhone-Python love affair: Building APIs for mobile
DjangoCon 2008: Chairman Opening Keynote
DjangoCon 2008: Code Writing and Design
DjangoCon 2008: Django on Jython
DjangoCon 2008: GeoDjango
DjangoCon 2008: High Performance Django
DjangoCon 2008: Inside the ORM
DjangoCon 2008 Keynote: Adrian Holovaty & Jacob Kaplan-Moss
DjangoCon 2008 Keynote: Cal Henderson
DjangoCon 2008 Keynote: Guido van Rossum
DjangoCon 2008 Keynote: Mark Ramm
DjangoCon 2008 Keynote Questions: State of Django
DjangoCon 2008 Lightning Talks
DjangoCon 2008 Panel: Django in Journalism
DjangoCon 2008 Panel: Django Success Stories
DjangoCon 2008 Panel: Django Technical Design
DjangoCon 2008 Panel: Schema Evolution
DjangoCon 2008: Pinax
DjangoCon 2008: Reusable Apps
DjangoCon 2008: ReviewBoard
DjangoCon 2008: Satchmo
DjangoCon 2008: TWID Live
DjangoCon 2008: What's New in Newforms-Admin?