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Tag: apis
Autenticazione e autorizzazione in salsa microservice
Come sfruttare le session auth di Django per un progetto multi tenant
Creare API REST su Odoo con OCA REST Framework
HPy: the future of Python C extensions
Leaflet on steroids with Django
/metrics, a must have
MongoDB and Python, a Perfect Match
Patti chiari, amicizia lunga. Disaccoppiamo lo sviluppo con test di contratto
Python 3.10: let's pattern match! 🔥
REST In Peace - producing REST services for Odoo by code or just backend
Self-explaining APIs
Test sana in codice sano
The Design of Everyday APIs
API-schema-based testing with schemathesis
Developing GraphQL API in Django using Graphene
Extending HTTP for fun and non-profit
Full Stack Type Safety
How to be Pythonic? Design a Query Language in Python
Overcoming access control in web APIs
Using Python, Django, and ruthlessness to protect people from social media harassment.
Don't start with a database
How we run GraphQL APIs in production on our Kubernetes cluster
Deploy Python to the cloud faster with Azure Serverless
Machine Learning by Example
Django APIs, Versioning and You
Desenvolvendo APIs REST com Python 3 e Asyncio
PyConAU 2010: Building the Wave Robots API: Behind the Scenes