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Street Fighting Trend Research


This talk shows how to tackle common tasks in applied trend research and technology foresight from identifying a data-source, getting the data and data cleaning to presenting the insights in meaningful visualizations.


This talk presents a very hands-on approach for identifying research and technology trends in various industries with a little bit of Pandas here, NTLK there and all cooked up in an IPython Notebook. Three examples featured in this talk are: How to find out the most interesting research topics cutting edge companies are after right now? How to pick sessions from a large conference program (think PyCon, PyData or Strata) that are presenting something really novel? How to automagically identify trends in industries such as computer vision or telecommunications? The talk will show how to tackle common tasks in applied trend research and technology foresight from identifying a data-source, getting the data and data cleaning to presenting the insights in meaningful visualizations.


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