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Threshold Cryptography with Python – PyCon Taiwan 2020


Day 1, 11:30–13:00

近年來,應用密碼學逐漸受到重視,特別是在區塊鏈技術的發展,無論是零知識證明、同態加密、簽章演算法或金鑰管理等,都快速的在演進。但,當你閱讀完艱澀難懂的論文,想自行實作密碼函式庫,你會如何做呢?在這個演講中,我們將利用 Sage 與 Jupyter notebook 帶你進入密碼學的世界,我們將透過一個秘密分享的實例,由淺入深的說明如何實作一個完整的算法。在本講中,會建議具備一些基礎密碼學或橢圓曲線的相關知識。


Speaker: Chang-Wu Chen

Dr. Chang-Wu Chen received the Ph.D. degree in Communication Engineering from National Central University, Taiwan, in 2016. He is currently a chief scientist at AMIS, and serves as an adjunct assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science, National Chengchi University. Prior to that, He has worked for Ethereum Research from 2017-2018. He is also a Taipei Ethereum meetup co-organizer. His research interests include Wireless networks, Network Security, Vehicular Networking and Blockchain.


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