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Things might go wrong in a data-intensive application


(Petertc Chu) We are going to go behind the scene of building a data-intensive system. The story includes challenges I have faced and what I learned from those incidents.

python, pycon, australia, programming, conference, technical, pyconline, developers, panel, sessions, libraries, frameworks, community, sysadmins, students, education, data, science

Videos licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

PyCon AU is the national conference for the Python programming community, bringing together professional, student and enthusiast developers, sysadmins and operations folk, students, educators, scientists, statisticians, and many others besides, all with a love for working with Python.

PyCon AU informs the country’s Python developers with presentations, tutorials and panel sessions by experts and core developers of Python, as well as the libraries and frameworks that they rely on.

Produced by Next Day Video Australia:

Fri Sep 10 14:15:00 2021 at DevOops

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