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The Software Engineering Part of Data Science

Translations: en


Niño Eclarin

In this session, I will discuss the software engineering side of data science and how python bridges the gap between data science and software engineering.

Will highlight some of the challenges involved in working with data scientists. Will also demonstrate some sample codes and best practices that shows how to work as a software engineer in a data science company. Lastly, I will discuss how software engineers can shift to a more data science related job like a data engineer.


  • Intro: Data science vs software engineering
  • Challenges working with a data science team and how Python bridges the two domains
  • Common problems and solutions - Development setup - Performance considerations - Deployment
  • Transitions from software engineering to data science

Produced by NDV:

Python, PyCon, PyConAU, PyConline

Fri Sep 4 10:25:00 2020 at Curlyboi

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