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Grant Paton-Simpson - SOFA Statistics - Developing, packaging, and promoting a Python open source project


SOFA Statistics - Developing, packaging and promoting a Python open source project

Presented by Grant Paton-Simpson


Overview of an open source Python project. Will cover wxPython (GUI toolkit) plus graphics generally; quirks of different databases; making python installer packages; using Sourceforge, Freshmeat, and Launchpad (and Bazaar); and promoting the project.


SOFA Statistics ( is an open source desktop Python application with an emphasis on ease of use, learn as you go, and beautiful output. The talk will cover technical aspects of the project as well as project management issues. Specific areas covered will include:

  • Using the cross-platform GUI toolkit wxPython (including wxWebKit and the grid widgets) plus initial exploration of Matplotlib and Raphael (Javascript and SVG)
  • Experience using different database engines including SQLite, MySQL, MS Access, and MS SQL Server
  • Issues with standard statistics modules e.g. in SciPy
  • Making python installer packages – currently only deb packages and Windows installers (using NSIS). Plus managing releases.
  • Using Sourceforge, Freshmeat, and Launchpad (including Bazaar)
  • Promoting the project through blogging, answering posts e.g. Ubuntu, wikipedia, special aggregator lists and reviews, presentations, articles, etc.

Questions are very welcome as this is a very broad topic.

[VIDEO HAS ISSUES: Sound and video are poor. Slides are hard to read.]


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