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Writing unit tests for C code in Python


Alexander Steffen - Writing unit tests for C code in Python [EuroPython 2016] [21 July 2016] [Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain] (

There are many unit testing frameworks for C out there, but most of them require you to write your tests in C (or C++). While there might be good reasons to keep your implementation in C, those hardly apply to the tests. So wouldn't it be nice to use all the power of Python and its unit testing capabilities also for your C code? This talk will show you how.

There are many unit testing frameworks for C out there, but most of them require you to write your tests in C (or C++). While there might be good reasons to keep your implementation in C (for example execution speed or resource consumption), those hardly apply to the tests. So wouldn't it be nice to use all the power of Python and its unit testing capabilities also for your C code?

This talk will show you how to combine CFFI and pycparser to easily create Python unit tests for C code, without a single line of C anywhere in the test cases. It will also cover creating mock functions in Python, that can be used by the C code under test to hide external dependencies. Finally, we will look at some of the challenges you might face when trying to mix Python and C and what to do about them.

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