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Red User, Blue User, MyUser, auth.User


Red User, Blue User, MyUser, auth.User

Wednesday 11:30 a.m.--12:15 p.m.

Audience level: Intermediate


An exploration of one of the banner features of Django 1.5 -- Custom User models. Includes worked examples, a discussion of design decisions that must be made, and a look at the internal architecture that makes it all possible. Abstract

One of the banner features of Django 1.5 was the introduction of custom User models. Using this new feature, you are free to use any model you wish as your User, instead of being bound to the '30 character username and optional email' requirement of auth.User.

In this talk, Django core developer Russell Keith-Magee will give an overview of the API, and walk through some examples for some common -- and some not so common -- use cases for a custom User.

He will also explore some common pitfalls and limitations of the custom User model API, and look at the design decisions that face any use of the custom User model API.

Finally, we'll take a brief look under the hood to see how the feature actually works, and see how the same technique could be used for other pluggable apps.


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